Sunday, May 22, 2011

The latest Oz comic book

Thanks to the shipping mix-up, our comics company made up for it by sending the next two weeks worth of comics out early, so now I have another Oz comic book to talk about. That would be, of course, Ozma of Oz #6. So, once again, we have Eric Shanower's masterful adaptation and Skottie Young's terrific new artistic interpretation. This issue covers events from the Nome King showing Ozma only a portion of his army to Dorothy guessing right and disenchanting Prince Evring. So, yeah, we're getting close. One big plus is the coloring (by Jean-Francois Beaulieu, the third and, it would seem, least appreciated member of Marvel's Oz team, as he does a great job, too) on the decorations in the Nome King's palace. Unlike how badly Disney messed this scene up in Return to Oz with all of the green ornaments lying around, Jean-Francois was paying attention and didn't show any green until he had to.

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