Friday, October 19, 2018

The 31 Days of Halloween, Oz Style: Day 19

After my miss the other day and near-miss yesterday, I figure I'd better do this early today. So let me talk about a little project I have on the side, helping out Ruth Berman with her annual Dunkiton Press series of reprint pamphlets. She finds works by Oz contributors, notably W. W. Denslow, John R. Neill, and Ruth Plumly Thompson, in old newspapers, and republishes them in themed collections. They are not lavish, but they are inexpensive, and just having these readily available is a terrific resource. Naturally, one year—2006, to be precise—is a Halloween collection, with illustrations by Denslow and Neill, and stories, poems, and playlets by Thompson. If you get this, be sure to pick up a couple more while you're at it, as you save when buying in groups of three.

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