Thursday, October 18, 2018

The 31 Days of Halloween, Oz Style: Days 17 and 18

Whoops! I was afraid this would happen (and to be honest, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner): I missed a day! So, to make up for it, you get a double dose tonight.

First up is a Halloween decoration for your house: ruby slipper-shod witch feet to stick out from under your house. Yes, stick these out in plain sight, and people will think your house landed on a witch, and are there any others around they should be looking out for? (Okay, no, they probably won't think that, but it's fun to imagine.)

Now, for a book, we've had writings from L. Frank Baum, Ruth Plumly Thompson, and W. W. Denslow, so how about another Royal Historian? Jack Snow may have created some creepy, unsettling imagery in Oz with The Magical Mimics in Oz, but that barely scratched the surface, because his only other major book shares more with H. P. Lovecraft than L. Frank Baum. Dark Music and Other Spectral Tales is a collection of gothic stories, many of which would not have been out of place on The Twilight Zone. This was from a time when horror stories were more cerebral and creepy, with little blood and gore, which just made them that much more chilling. Dark Music is long out of print, but affordable copies can be found on Amazon and

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