Thursday, September 06, 2007

The latest Oz reading

I've had a little spare time this week, so I'm trying to catch up on some quick Oz reads in a possibly futile attempt to get my pile of unread Oz books cut down a little. Yesterday I finished reading Close Encounters of the Worst Kind, the first collection of the Brewster Rockit: Space Guy comic strip. There's a bit of a story as to why I picked it up. When my local paper first started carrying Brewster Rockit, it was right in the middle of an epic storyline that combined Star Wars, the Lord of the Rings saga, and The Wizard of Oz. Yeah, it was a bit of a mash-up, but it was fun. If I'd really been thinking at the time, I would have jumped on the Internet and found the rest of the storyline, but for whatever reason I didn't. Oh, well. But when I saw that there was a collection, I did some research. Sure enough, it included the whole "Middle-Oz" saga. Who was I to pass this up? Besides, I have some books in my collection with even less Oz content in them. So now I've read the whole thing, and it actually holds up pretty well when you read it all at once as opposed to one day at a time. Getting the collection has one big bonus, in that every single strip has been printed in color. So if you don't mind an irreverant twist on Oz, go check this one out.

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