Dorothy and the boys are making lollipops with the Lollipop Guild and some Munchkin children, and Dorothy finds out that the Munchkins don't go to school. So she sets up a school nearby, in her old house! They fix things up (in spite of all of Lion's help), and are ready to go. Seeing the news in the newspaper, the Wicked Witch and Wilhelmina talk about how badly Frank and Lyman need school, too, not knowing that the monkeys are listening. So, Frank and Lyman decide to sneak in. The Wizard starts teaching a math lesson with magic, when his magic goes wrong and there are dozens of Lions! So there's no room for Frank and Lyman to sneak into. A geography lessen about the Valley of the Clowns turns the Wizard into one. Another attempt to sneak in sees the Lion close the window on the monkeys. In an attempt to bring Tom Thumb out of his book to visit the students, the Wizard instead shrinks Frank and Lyman, and Toto chases them off. But they get better, dress up as Munchkins, and finally get in as the Wizard starts teaching about the alphabet. Frank correctly identifies cake as a word starting with C, so the Wizard produces a magic cake that grows and pushes them out. They just are not having a lot of luck! Finally, still covered in frosting, after school is out for the day, they get in and ask to be students. The Wizard assures them that they can come any time, with no sneaking around. The episode ends with the Lion licking the frosting off of them.
I'll be honest, I don't expect a lot from this show. It's aimed at young kids, and it doesn't always follow the logic of either the books or The Movie, even though it's based on both. It's meant to be fun and silly most of the time. But this wasn't even much of a story. The school was just a McGuffin for some slapstick with Frank and Lyman, and to show the Wizard still hasn't perfected his magic. In that, at least, this story succeeded, but that's really not a terribly high bar to reach. It was nice, however, seeing Dorothy reminiscing over her old house, and the flashbacks to her and Aunt Em (yes, we see Aunt Em in this one). In short, this'll do until the next episode, but I hope that's better.
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