Sunday, May 10, 2020

Today's Oz Comic

The always fabulous Thatababy pays tribute to a certain breed of insects in movies today, but somehow an Oz characters slips in as well.


TRAPINK said...


I just discovered your blog — thanks so much for all the kind words about my comic strip Thatababy!

Last summer I stopped by a regional history museum in Kansas City, which had a temporary exhibit on Frank L. Baum.

Included were sketches for a never completed OZ theme park — I was transfixed, as they were created by the fantastic illustrator William Stout.

If you pass along contact info I can send along some photos I took of the artwork.

Long live Oz! Thanks again for reading Thatababy!

Paul Trap

Eric said...

Hey, thank my wife! She's the one who started reading it, and noticed all the Oz references. Plus, it's a pretty good comic even without the Oz references! I suspect I know who was behind that exhibit, as the President of the International Wizard of Oz Club (proud member for the past forty-four years!) lives in Kansas City and supplies a lot of material for exhibits. And I've seen a lot of William Stout's Oz work in the past, but I don't think I've seen his theme park work before.