Wednesday, September 02, 2015

The Latest Turns-Out-Not-to-Be-Oz Reading

Last night, I finished Farewell, the final volume of Fables. This one is big. How big are we talking? It is both the 150th issue of the comic book series, and the twenty-second volume of collected trade paperbacks. Writer Bill Willingham, principal artist Mark Buckingham, and all the folks who helped them out have done an outstanding job of wrapping everything up, and giving a taste of what the future holds for both the characters and the Mundy world now that the secret of the Fables is out. In fact, now that we on Earth know that magic exists, it is embraced, and Earth in the future becomes one of the most magical worlds of them all. Unfortunately for the purposes of this blog, all the fates of the Oz characters were wrapped up some time ago, and so there is very little mention of anything Ozzy here. The only Oz reference I can find is that Snow White and Cinderella have an important meeting in a restaurant called the Yellowbrick Roadhouse. Still, if you've been following Fables for a while, like I have since Eric Shanower contributed illustrations to a very Ozzy storyline in issue 101, this is a great way to end the series, and just about everyone at least ends up living happily (or at least tolerably) ever after.

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