Two more Ozzy incidents on Jeopardy!, and they happened to be two consecutive days in March. The first one was on the show for March 24, and sadly, I had some technical problems that kept me from successfully recording it. But that's okay, as it was a video clue anyway. I just had to find the painting in question online. So in the Double Jeopardy! round, when the $400 clue in American Art & Artists was uncovered, we saw this while Alex read the clue:

There's no witch and no rainbow in
John Steuart Curry's painting "Tornado Over" this state
Derek, the challenger on the right, rang in first and correctly responded with, "What is Kansas?" of course. It was a very tight match with a difficult Final Jeopardy! so he did not go on to win. Instead, Nancy, the challenger in the middle won, which meant she got to pick the first clue in the next day's show. She chose It's At the Smithsonian for $200, which gave us this clue:

And that catches us up with the Oz clues on Jeopardy! so far this season.
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