Sunday, March 23, 2025

Today's Oz Comic

Hmm, it kind of seems a waste to publish this particular installment of The Argyle Sweater on a Sunday, when you can use a lot more colors. But hey, it's a choice, I guess.

Friday, March 21, 2025

The Not-So-Latest Oz Comic

Reality Check is not one of my regular comics, so my thanks to my man in Japan, Michael-sensei, for discovering this episode of the comic which probably would have been more appropriate for Halloween than Pi Day.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Latest Oz Comic

Well, an appearance by Oz characters, at least, in today's edition of Pickles.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Latest Oz Short Story

Oh, hey, it's time to do some of these again! Well i did just get the 2024 edition of Oziana, the annual literary magazine of the International Wizard of Oz Club, so there's new material to write about. This issue is about the early history of Oz, and the first story is "A Green Fix" by Kelsey G. Kappel, with illustrations by Anna-Maria Cool. Ozana Ozina is a contractor from the Winkie Country looking to score a major project in creating a roadway to the Emerald City. Her unique take earns her the job, but in the end it turns out the bricks she are using are not what the people of the Emerald City expected. It's too late to change it, so what to do? It's a short but clover story that explains not only the origin of the yellow brick road, but also an early characteristic of the Emerald City. And it shows just how packed a very short story can be.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Today's Vintage Oz Comic

Today, ran this vintage and very Ozzy cartoon.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Today's Oz Comics Roundup

I've fallen a little behind, so here's me catching up.

  • I think this edition of CowTown is a rerun. But it's still Ozzy, of course.
  • And today in Over the Hedge, the eternal song debate rears its head. Since I don't even think they got the best Beatles song into it (come on, it's "Eleanor Rigby"), the other one must be the best by default.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Today's Ozzish Comic

This may actually be one of the least Ozzy comics I've ever posted. But in today's edition of Gasoline Alley, Walt and guest stars Mutt and Jeff are on their way to the Old Comics Home. So I have no idea why Jeff says what he says in the first panel, but it does have a familiar ring to it.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Today's Oz Comics

Yes, I said comics! Because there were two today.

  • First up, The Argyle Sweater swaps out one character for a very interestnig and unusual crossover.
  • Second up, Close to Home deals with one character's lack of an organ in perhaps a more realistic way than the Wizard just handing it to him.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Oz Comics Roundup

Yeah, I've fallen a little behind. So here we go!

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Today's Oz Comic

Many, many, many years ago, I ran a short-lived newsletter called Computerozzed, all about the then-new home computer phenomenon and using them for Ozzy purposes. (Yes, it was very niche! I think I put out two whole issues.) One cartoon I created was Denslow's illustration of the Wizard giving the Scarecrow a brain, but doctored to show the then-new Macintosh computer in the Wizard's hand. I think today's edition of Eek! is the early-twenty-first century successor to that long-ago comic.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Today's Oz Comic

Well this is a different take on what happened to Dorothy after The Wizard of Oz in today's edition of Cornered

Friday, January 24, 2025

Today's Oz Comic

Today in Non Sequitur, Dorothy has her suspicions confirmed.

Monday, January 20, 2025

This Week's Oz Political Cartoon

Here's one from Monte Wolverton about whateer the latest thing bugging Elon Musk is. (I am so glad I never even got started on Twitter…)

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Today's Oz Comic

Okay actually, today's edition of Close to Home isn't terribly Ozzy at all. But boy, a couple of those party guests sure look familiar!

Friday, January 10, 2025

Today's Oz Comic

Today in WuMo, another file from the Oz police blotter. A clear case of home-icide...

Friday, January 03, 2025

Today's Oz Comic

Thatababy is done with its flying monkey storyline, but it's clearly not done with Oz! In today's strip, our title toddler speculates on what else besides that bottle of elixir may have turned the Wicked Witch green. I suspect it's never going to be canon…

Monday, December 30, 2024

The Continuing Comic Saga

It seems that Paul Trap has more to say about the latest addition to the cast of his comic strip, Thatababy. A flying monkey first appeared as a Christmas present back on Friday (remember this entry from that day?) Well, he showed up again in Saturday's strip, and again in today's. I will keep reporting on this for as long as this monkey appears, even if he becomes a regular.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Today's Extra-Large Oz Comic

Today in Sunday Funnies with Kerry Callan, Dorothy asks the question that has been on many of our minds for the past eighty-five years. (No, not why Glinda didn't tell her about the Ruby Slippers being able to take hre home as soon as she landed in Oz, which is still a good question.)

Friday, December 27, 2024

Today's Ozzish Comic

With the holiday season here, the comics seem to have put Oz on the back burner. But today in Thatababy our hero gets a gift that ties both together. (I think Elphaba read something from the Grimmerie.)

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Last Week's Oz Comic

Good grief, have I been sitting on this edition of Six Chix for a week now? Well, the end of the trimester, Thanksgiving, and Wicked finally coming to theaters has kept me pretty busy these past few days. But here it is now for you to enjoy. (Is it just me, or are the Oz comics getting more grown-up lately?)